What do I have to enter in the “Sender address” field on the contact form? The sender address is required so that the form can be sent at all. Since the form cannot be used...
How can I set up DKIM? The whole thing looks more cryptic than it actually is. The section between the quotation marks is particularly important. In...
How can I change the email address stored in the account? You can update your contact email yourself at any time in the myhosttech customer center. Please log into your myhosttech...
Email certificate does not match If you receive this or a similar message when setting up your email address on a client (PC/smartphone/tablet), this can...
Is a mail server included in the hosting? Our hosting products (web hosting, managed hosting, reseller web hosting and vPower) include a dedicated mail server. You can create...
Can I enable automatic email replies or an autoresponder? In the hosting account’s Control Panel you can set up automatic replies for your email accounts. So you can e.g....