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  4. What do I have to enter in the “Sender address” field on the contact form?

What do I have to enter in the “Sender address” field on the contact form?

The sender address is required so that the form can be sent at all. Since the form cannot be used by the email address of the user who fills in the form, you must therefore provide your own email address. However, this email address is not visible anywhere on the website, only for the recipient address of the form.

Under the “Sender address” field you can select the desired e-mail address from a dropdown. If the desired email address is not in the dropdown, you can enter new addresses or adjust your existing ones under the navigation point “Settings”.

Add and manage email address

To do this, go to Settings in the Website Creator menu and select the Email accounts section on the left. Enter and change your email addresses here.

Enter your e-mail data according to the access data sheet and use a test e-mail to test whether these settings are correct and whether the test e-mail arrives in your inbox. In addition, activate the “Set as default” function in the upper right corner so that the e-mail address is selected by default.

Tip: Activate Use SMTP in the settings so that the e-mails are not classified as spam by the recipient. See the article ” Which SMTP settings do I need to use? ” for more information.

Updated on 8. February 2023
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