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  4. How do I set up the email address in Outlook?
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  4. How do I set up the email address in Outlook?
  1. Home
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  3. Set up address in mail program
  4. How do I set up the email address in Outlook?

How do I set up the email address in Outlook?

If you haven’t already created an email address, you can do so in How do I create an email address? explained.

Outlook für hosted Exchange

These instructions only apply to email addresses that you have created in the control panel of your hosted Exchange account. For email addresses that were created in the Plesk or Confixx Control Panel, you will find separate instructions below.

In order to set up the email address, it is important that the DNS records of your domain are already set up correctly. To do this, follow the instructions in the article Which DNS records do I need for hosted Exchange? .
If you had to make changes to the DNS records in the process, wait 6 hours before trying to set up the email address. The same applies to name server changes, although you should wait 24 hours.

After that, the setup is very easy.

Once Outlook has started, you can add the e-mail address via “File – Information – Add account”. Fill in the four fields on the first page and click on “Next”.

After that, the email address will be automatically set up ready.

Outlook unter Windows (Plesk und Confixx)

Outlook (New), formerly Mail, which is installed with Windows, is not supported.

  1. Open Control Panel via the Windows search
  2. Enter “Mail” in the search field at the top right
  3. Click on “Mail (Microsoft Outlook)”
  4. Click on “Add” in the pop-up window
  5. If no profile exists yet, create a profile first.
  6. Select “Manual configuration or additional server types”
  7. Select “POP or IMAP”
  8. Fill in the access data according to the access data sheet:
  • Incoming mail server
  • Outgoing mail server
  • SMTP port for outgoing server
  • IMAP port for incoming server
  • For Plesk you need your e-mail address and the corresponding password.
    For Confixx you need the user name “web…” and the corresponding password.

9. click on “More settings” and set the root folder path = INBOX

Video instructions

Setup in Outlook for Plesk or Confixx
Updated on 26. June 2024
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