How can I customize the font? There are two ways in which a font on your website can be customized, which we will briefly explain to...
How do I choose a design? Under the menu item “Design” you will find a large selection of different design templates with different layouts. You can...
How do the theme settings work? In the “Design Settings” in the editor you can globally control the colors and fonts of your website. The changes...
Can designs be configured individually in the Website Creator? All design templates in Website Creator are designed by our graphic designers. The most important goal of a good web...
Can I change the design template? Yes, you can change the design template at any time. The pages, the menu and the content sections including the...
How are the design templates built? Each design template in Website Creator is presented with a demo content and was designed with a theme and matching...
What does ‘Use panels’ mean? With the Use Panels function in the online store, the items in the store are visually highlighted from the background...