Why is my account still blocked despite the invoice being paid? There can be various reasons for this. If you paid by bank transfer, it may take a few days for...
How can I withdraw from the contract (money-back guarantee)? If you want to cancel your contract and request a refund within the first 30 days, we need the completed...
How can I customize the invoice recipient? In this post, you’ll learn about the customization options available to you.
How can I pay my bills automatically? We currently do not offer direct debit. However, you have the following two variants to choose from: 1. Automatic credit...
Why am I receiving my bill so early? To ensure that we can renew all of your domains in good time, some products will be charged up to...
Where can I change my address? You can update your address yourself at any time in the myhosttech customer center. Please log into your myhosttech customer...
How can I request an invoice again? All invoices (open & paid) are available for download in your myhosttech.eu customer center. Alternatively, you can also have them...
What payment options are provided? The following payment options are provided to you: Credit card PayPal Bank transfer TWINT (Switzerland only) E-finance (Switzerland only) Our...
Why do I have to provide the VAT identification number? The VAT identification number (VAT ID) is a unique number that is issued to every company subject to VAT that...