In order to use hosted Exchange, you need the following three DNS records.
Make sure that your has to be replaced by your domain.
Required DNS records
You can find an explanation of what the three entries do at the end of the article.
Type | host | Mail Exchanger / Canonical Name | |
1 | MX | | |
2 | CNAME | exchange. | |
3 | CNAME | autodiscover. | |
In the myhosttech customer center, this must look like this, whereby “” must of course always be replaced by your domain.

General information on setting DNS records
You can change DNS records at hosttech in the myhosttech customer center under Domains in the domain center by clicking on Details and DNS Records for the relevant domain.
It can always take up to 6 hours for DNS record changes to take effect.
Note that you only have to change this with us if you have entered our name servers for your domain.
If you use external name servers, you must enter the DNS records with your external partner.
It may be that the names for “Mail Exchanger” and “Canonical Name” are replaced by other names (e.g. destination).
If you use external name servers, but now want to use our name servers, we recommend that you contact our technicians first, as there are a few things to consider.
What do the three DNS records do?
If you want to do this on your own domain, you need to create a CNAME record.
This allows you to use exchange. reach the webmail from the hosted exchange.