For each menu item in Website Creator, you must first choose what type this menu item is. You can find the page types at the top of the menu item settings when you create a new menu item or edit a menu item.
Attention: The type can be selectedonly when creating anew page. Once the type is defined and the new menu item is created, you must delete the menu item and create a new one if you want to change the type.
There are several types to choose from. If you have activated an online store, you have additional options for the online store to choose from.

Content page
A page where elements can be added and freely designed in the editor.
Set an arbitrary URL, which will be linked to when clicking on this menu item (mostly used for external pages).
Social Link
Establish linkage with social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.). Select under “Display” whether only the menu title should be displayed as text, only the respective logo/icon of the service or both combined. A preview of this is displayed to the right
The folder is a parent menu item without content that is not clickable. This allows you to place sub-items, such as your social media platforms, in a drop-down menu without the parent page being clickable.
Anchor link
Refers directly to the desired content section of the page when clicking on a menu item. For an anchor link to be set on a page, an ID must be set in the selected content section (see Anchor Link post).
If you have activated an online store, you can add more menu items:
- Overview: Product overview page
- Shopping cart
- Product: Link to the detail page of a specific product
- Category: Link to a specific category (if you have created categories)