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  4. How does my customer publish their website?

How does my customer publish their website?

If you have already defined the publication settings when creating the user, your customer can publish the website without any problems. If this information is missing, your end customer would have to store it in the publication settings in his creator.

On the one hand, the database information is required: server, database name, database user, password and port.
The publishing server must also be identified. Hostname, username, password and publish path details are required here.
You have the option of specifying in the publication settings in the reselling backend that the customer may publish on the free Creator domain (e.g. example.onlinepage.eu) or that the website can be published on the Creator server.
The first option does not require your own domain – the second option does not require a separate hosting or server, as your own domain can be linked to the Creator Server.

Updated on 6. February 2023
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