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  4. How can I install a domain?
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  4. How can I install a domain?

How can I install a domain?

In your myhosttech customer center you can click on “Servercenter> Server center”.
For products that allow a domain to be installed, you can click on “Settings” and then on “Install domain”.

Make sure you enter your domain without “www.” must specify at the beginning.

The type of installation depends on how you want to use the domain.

If you then want to upload or create a website on our server for the domain, select “Website Hosting”.
In order to be able to upload data afterwards, you need an FTP user. For this reason you will be asked for an FTP user and an FTP password below. So you do not need existing access data here, but you create your FTP access here by entering your user name and the associated password.

Only use the “Alias to domain”, “Forwarding” and “Frame forwarding” installation types in the cases described below.

Updated on 25. March 2022

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