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  3. Why does it take so long to switch on the VM with Rocket Storage?

Why does it take so long to switch on the VM with Rocket Storage?

Only affects VMs with Rocket Storage

Shutting down the server releases the CPU and RAM resources so that they can be used by other servers.
However, these resources are required again when the server is restarted. If they are no longer available on the current node, the disk must be moved to another node with sufficient resources.

Based on our experience, this process can take up to 30 minutes.

Unterschied Distributed und Rocket Storage?

The distributed storage is created on normal SSDs and is backed up three times in order to be fail-safe.

Our Rocket Storage is set up on NVMe SSD and is always located on the physical host on which the virtual server is also located.

This allows the full speed of the NVMe to be utilized, but the data is not stored three times.

You can read more about vDC here .

Updated on 19. September 2024
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