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  4. How do I insert an iFrame?

How do I insert an iFrame?

  • Select the “iFrame” element from the + symbol in the “Layout” category.
  • Drag the element to the desired location in a content section.
  • Copy the desired URL of the object you want to embed in the iFrame
  • Open the iFrame settings (gear icon) and paste the copied URL into the corresponding field there. If it is linked correctly, a preview is shown in the editor (see also conditions for this at the bottom of the box, in case the inclusion does not work).

Where can I find the URL for an iFrame embed?

This depends on the external website and whether it allows embedding as an iFrame at all. Usually there is a ‘Share’ function somewhere, under which a link can be copied or via an embed button or link.

The integration via iFrame does not work:
Some websites may have security policies that prohibit embedding on external platforms such as Website Creator. Then a message will appear in the iFrame (” ‘X’ has refused the connection.”) or no content will be displayed. Website Creator has no influence on such rejected or non-functioning integrations, as this is controlled by the external coding of these external websites.

Example from Soundcloud, where you can find the URL via ‘Share’ and ‘Embed’ and copy it there.
Updated on 8. February 2023
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